阳光来了色彩也是白的。(Color is white too that the sunshine has come! )冬日的鼓楼是黑绿色的。(Drum-toweris black and green )日常工作。(Daily works)严肃的节日在这个季节。(Serious festival is in this season)寨子的老人着装。(Old man in the stockaded village clothes )冬日河水也黑。(The river is black too in winter)寂寞的寨子。(Lonely stockaded village )放鞭炮来热闹热闹。(Set off the fireworks to liven up )风雨桥也很单调。(The shelter bridge is very dull too )稻草堆在拼命地衬托风景。(The straw piling and setting off the scenery desperately )把房子迁移,避免太密集。(Move the house, it is too intensive to avoid )寨火时常威胁着侗寨,这是某个烧焦的样子。(The fire often threatens Dong stockaded village , this is some appearance burnt )恶梦 (Nightmare)火灾后经常看到这样的人。(Often see such a person after the fire)这样未免太孤独了。(Rather lonely like this )<div id=[/img]